Students: Updating Preferred/Personal Email

Tags Student

How To


  • How do I update my preferred email so that I can receive a StarID verification code to an email other than my NHCC email?


  1. Go to eServices

  2. Login with your StarID and StarID password

  3. Select Account Management

  4. Select Demographic Info

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your email address
    (We recommend using a personal email address, such as G-Mail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. other than your North Hennepin Community College email. This way you can access the verification code even if you are locked out of your student email.)Press the Submit button to save changes.

  6. Press the Submit button to save changes.

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Article ID: 96600
Mon 1/27/20 1:32 PM
Fri 8/4/23 8:34 AM